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Root shooters

Price: 1,380.00 MKD
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  • Weight:
    0.300 Kgs

How This Unique Structure Gets You Superior Rooting Automatically?



Every grower knows that getting your plants to root faster… and… develop stronger, deeper and bigger root structures… directly translates to faster rooting plants, better quality crops and world-class yields.

Because of the extremely uniform substrate and structure with hundreds of micro air pockets evenly distributed throughout Root Shooters plugs, you easily get extensive fibrous root growth throughout the full depth and volume of the plug.

Plus, this superior structure gives you the ideal water holding capacity, while at the same time, giving you excellent drainage. This means you’ll see easier water management… your rooting medium never gets too wet (which helps avoid diseases and pests)… and greatly helps reduce losses, especially in over-wintered crops.


And because there’s no net around the plug your plant’s roots will grow fully throughout the medium immediately after potting.

The Superior Substrate Structure Increases Your Cuttings Survival Rate…
Research clearly shows cuttings grown in Root Shooters™ produce a cleaner callous than in other mediums which means you’ll see fewer losses due to rotting off. Plus, more active root nodes get formed at the callous which means you’ll see faster and more prolific root development from the very beginning…


Also, because your plant’s root systems are developed in the plug (and not outside of the plug) your plants will pot much quicker and are better protected against root damage, disease, and transplant shock is virtually eliminated.



The Unique Design Means Less Work For You And Faster Sticking And Potting…
Because the Root Shooters Plant Plugs are supplied ready-to-use, you’ll see up to 20% faster sticking speeds compared to other discrete plugs … and … there’s no additional labor needed to fill or water trays unlike using loose-fill substrates.

And extensive testing with the types of plants we grow and the gardens we grow them in has proven potting on speeds are much quicker than with other discrete or loose fill plugs, because the Root Shooters™ pull from the trays quickly, easily, and with amazing consistency.

Prove It To Yourself, With This Risk-free Guarantee
It’s clear that Root Shooters Plant Plugs are the answer you’re looking for if you want to…

  • Save time and money
  • Increase your survival rates
  • Avoid rooting too wet
  • Reduce harmful plant pests and diseases
  • Get faster rooting, every-time
  • Achieve 20% faster stick speeds


… And give your plants the absolute best rooting medium to develop strong, prolific root structures that directly translate into better quality plants and larger yields.


But you don’t have to risk anything to try Root Shooters yourself. That’s because Advanced Nutrients offers a 100% money-back guarantee of satisfaction. Either you’re overjoyed and ecstatic about the difference Root Shooters™ makes in your grow room or you get every penny of your money back. It’s that simple.


And It’s Easy To Get Root Shooters
Before you start your next crop cycle, simply visit your nearest hydroponics retail shop and tell them you want to try Root Shooters risk-free in your garden immediately.


Once you do that, you’ll be ready to go home and start your next crop cycle with this almost perfect rooting medium and experience all the benefits you’ve discovered today for yourself.

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Root shooters