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Calmag 250ml - Calcium Magnesium

If you live in an area with "soft" water or use water obtained by reverse osmosis, then you may notice a lack of plants in elements such as calcium and magnesium.

"Soft" water has a lower mineral content than "hard" water. The most important minerals that lack "soft" water are calcium and magnesium. BioBizz fertilizers are designed to be used in water of medium hardness, which has medium levels of calcium and magnesium.


This means that if it is used with "soft" or osmotic water, then defects can occur. Calcium is vital for healthy cell walls and immunity against fungal infections. Magnesium is a vital component of chlorophyll. Deficiency of one of these two minerals is tragic for the plant. Also, calcium and magnesium can be "locked in" or be much less available if there is too much potassium or phosphorus in the root zone.


Most flower fertilizers contain additional potassium and phosphorus for the needs of the plants in the flowering stage. Adding a PK amplifier can make the situation worse. Using Calmag can help ensure that your plants do not run out of these micronutrients during this time. BioBizz Calmag is completely natural and certified as a completely organic supplement.

BioBizz Calmag can be used for plants grown in any substrate. Keep in mind that BioBizz fertilizers are completely natural and quite dense. This means that they are not suitable for drip systems because they can clog them. They are most suitable for manual irrigation in the ground or coconut. BioBizz Calmag can be used in hydraulic systems, as it is not as dense as the other products of the company. Do not forget to keep the dripping fittings without blockages.

Price: 340.00 MKD

Biobizz Microbes 150g - Stimulator for Grow and Bloom

How to use:


Biobizz Microbes can be used throughout the plant cycle and works especially well in combination with other Biobizz products.

The microbes should be administered once a week in a dose between 0.2 mg - 0.4 mg / L. For specific doses, please see the nutrition schedule HERE.

Price: 4,630.00 MKD

Carbo Load 500mL

If you want energized, invigorated plants, you need Advanced Nutrients CarboLoad.


This easy to use liquid provides your plants with both simple and complex carbohydrates, boosting health and energy.By delivering energy in an immediately usable form, Carbo Load Liquid stimulates plant health and superior blooming. Give it a try and enjoy healthy plants and AMAZING crops.


Contains Non-Plant Food Ingredients:
15% ………. Deoxyribose
15% ………. Lyxose
20% ………. Ribose
20% ………. Xylulose
20% ………. Xylose

Price: 760.00 MKD

Bio-Grow, Biobizz 0.5L

Bio-Grow, Biobizz 0.5L is a liquid fertilizer that can be applied to most types of soil and substrate mixtures.


Bio·Grow® is made from 100% Dutch organic sugar beet extract, commonly known as beet vinasse. Beet vinasse is a by-product of turning sugar beets or sugar cane into sugar. In a natural fermentation process, starches in the sugar are treated with enzymes to produce glucose. In addition to plant nutrients, molasses is a rich source of food for soil microbes, helping to boost populations to create active and productive soils

Price: 420.00 MKD

Bio-Bloom, Biobizz 0.5L

Bio-Bloom, Biobizz 0.5L is a complete liquid organic fertilizer, which contains the perfect blend of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium to ensure a platform for exuberant flowers and tasty fruits.


Bio·Bloom™ also works in harmony with the soil to promote fruit and flower growth. Bio·Bloom™ for soil, soilless, or fortified coco is therefore a complete fertilizer used from the beginning of fruit or flower production until harvest. It is packed with naturally occurring minerals of vegetable origin to ensure exuberant flowering. 

Price: 450.00 MKD

ALG-A-MIC, Biobizz 0.5L

ALG-A-MIC, Biobizz 0.5L is a revitalizing product made from a high grade, organic seaweed concentrate extracted through cold pressing rather than chemical solvents.


It contains a high level of natural nutrition that caters to the whole spectrum of plants needs, resulting in exuberant green foliage. Seaweed has been harvested for food, fertilizer, and medicine for thousand of years. History books record that the Chinese used seaweed for medicinal purposes as early as 3000 B.C. Alg·A·Mic™is not a fertilizer and unlike many Bioboosters on the market today, Alg·A·Mic™ is the organic alternative and might be used along with regular nutrition.

Price: 605.00 MKD
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